What if your LIFE PURPOSE is to live your version of your greatest life?
Hi, I’m Lisa Bell. I’m an Intuitive Transformational Coach that helps my clients step into their greatness.
Have you ever felt a little weird, different, ‘not normal’ or like you just don’t fit in? Like you are seeking home and comfort? Perhaps you have people around you that love you but you just don’t feel it?
I can help you get to that place where you actually feel the comfort you always wanted. What if not fitting in with this reality meant you were super, special and talented and you have amazing gifts to give the world. I can show you what the gifts are and how to open them.
As a child, I was highly sensitive to energy. I knew what often people did and what I knew to be the truth were different. I didn’t have the language around it when I was a child. However, now I know what I was intuitively sensing was energy. I never felt ‘normal’ and my life was pretty messy, for a very long time… then I finally started to listen to my inner guidance to start showing up in the world as ME!
I started to use my awareness to do intuitive readings for my friends and family. I channelled messages, I cleared people’s energy fields and it led me to coach people in areas of their life they wanted help with transforming.
It has been my priviledge to use my knowledge, skills and gifts to help many thousands of people, (both one-on-one and in group coaching programs) to open their gifts and help them live their greatest lives. I offer a range of tools to assist you in transforming and living an empowered life, and I look forward to helping you step into YOUR greatness!